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10 August 2006

The Good Fence

I'm supposed to be working - I have a meeting in an hour's time - but I had to get this down quickly. Today's news only reinforces the British spirit. We will not be swayed, made fearful or alter our course because of the actions of a few idiots who conspire "to commit mass murder on an uprecedented scale". It does also highlight the historically-developed difference between UK and US intelligence.

But do not blame Islam or all Muslims. Like Christians, as a whole, like Jews, as a whole, like Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Taoist and Confucianists - as a whole - the faith condemns these actions. Blame instead a perverted, misrepresented, fanatical, absolutist, fundamentalist form of Islam. An Islam that has no place in the modern world and threatens the good people of the Islamic faith around the world. Saying an Islamic fundamentalist terrorist represents all Muslims is rather like saying Gerry Adams represents all Catholics. I'm sure Benedict XVI would have something to say about that. While I'm in the area, shall we perhaps touch on the fundamentalist nature of the American midwest Bible belt, where children in some states are not allowed to be taught Darwinian evolution theory, as it contradicts Genesis? Who's zooming who, here?

But consider this: there are fanatics everywhere. Many of them have been elected to power. Christianity has its IRA, its ETA, its November 17. All of these groups had a political aim, albeit a more localised one. al-Qaeda has it's aims too, shared by many small, disparate groups loosely held together in philosophy, and no doubt funding. But there aren't any International Annual General Meetings of the corporation. Just mobile phones, codenames and codewords, embedded intelligence in emails, photos. The very place-less nature of modern communication methods only helps their diasporic form. Those media; simple, home-made bombs; and the religious will to do what they feel they must do: that's where the battle lines are, and one's very tricky to change.

Of course, today there have been several arrests, mostly in London but a couple in Birmingham and one in High Wycombe. They won't have been made on a hunch. I applaud the security and police forces for executing an aviation lock-down on a national scale so swiftly. I applaud the arrest of 21 individuals who, it may later prove, were allegedly attempting to bring ten 'planes out of the sky over the Atlantic. I applaud the stout attitudes of the travellers facing massive delays at the airports, and I applaud the continued vigilance of this nation in the face of fools who think they can bomb their way to some religious utopia. Looking at the way things have been handled today, it would appear we've got a good fence.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Applauding for what exactly? Of the arrests made, how many will be charged? How many are innocent people? Check Forest Gate, check Demenezes. Neither showed our security services to be competent at their jobs. Which worries me. And this aside, what chance have those arrested, if & when tried, the chance of a fair trial. The media frenzy last week condemned uncharged men as guilty...hang 'em high screamed the attitude.
Our government expects us to take what we are told as gospel and for us to cheer and applaud the actions of our intell services. The same government that warned us of the threat of imminent WMD from Iraq. Food for thought.

15/8/06 10:34

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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15/8/06 10:39

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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15/8/06 10:40

Blogger Simon W said...

Dear Anonymous, many thanks for your comments. I am glad a lively debate has been prompted by my thoughts. I can see that we sit on very different sides of this issue: you seem to think all the UK does is make mistakes. I accept that there was the WMD fiasco, but hey, that was US intel, not ours. You'll no doubt be aware that the current UK situation was prompted via intel between UK and Pakistan. Please remember in your apologist-diatribe for terrorism, that 9/11 came well before Afghanistan or Iraq. Please also remember that 7/7 occurred well before Forest Gate and Jean Charles De Menezes. You call these failures: JCDM certainly was, but while there were no bombs in Forest Gate, I note there was child pornography on one of the seized computers, so we're not dealing with stand-up individuals here. When a country is at war, whether against a sovereign nation or against insidious terror cells within or without, please remember that it IS war. There will be casualties, there will be deaths, there will be mistakes. But we shall prevail. My country ain't getting changed one iota by religious totalitarianism and its ideals. I look forward to your response. Perhaps you might identify yourself, too? But then, only the brave and informed do that. Don't let your woolly liberal views cloud your security judgement.

15/8/06 18:53

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hunter...that's allegedly on those seized computers surely?! Again you buy up the line you are given and don't question it or examine it. Like you I am a democrat, and surely part of being a democrat is that people deserve a fair trial. Are any of the supposed suspects going to receive that?
I saw cctv footage of one of those accused last night. Pictures of a terrorist, we are told. What sinister behaviour was he up to? Working at his grocers store & talking to co-workers. He must at the very least have been thinking of killing infidels maybe?! Scary..evidence of a threatening individual..off with his head, Hunter?

16/8/06 09:37

Blogger Simon W said...

Anonymous, now you're getting where I'm coming from. You can't fight fire with softly-softly approaches: you need to get stuck in there and put the blaze out.

16/8/06 12:50

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Hunter, ut where is the blaze? Neither you or I know the answer to that, and applying a principle of go for 'em all, & we're sure to catch some? Welcome to chrystalnacht

16/8/06 13:49

Blogger Simon W said...

Anonymous?! Go for them all?! I hardly think that arresting 24 individuals can be classed as 'go for them all'. I'd call that pinpoint-targetting thanks to detailed intelligence. Sure, two or three have been let go since...but that does leave 22 to 23 people in custody. As for your comparison to Krystalnacht, when Hitler ordered Himmler and the Waffen SS to attack Jews: murdering, burning, looting, pillaging their communities - well, that's just silly. Really daft. At no point have I suggested or intimated that such an approach would be a good idea. You're talking about a shotgun-spray approach. I'm talking about a sniper.

17/8/06 19:03

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today 17/0806 they found a 'bomb making kit' in the woods near some of the suspect's houses.

Its all well and good questioning everything but one thing is pretty clear, there are a large amount of confused people in this world who's stated aim is the west's destruction. All power to those that take it seriously, after all we'd be fucked id it was down to those in denial.

Oh, yeah...Forest Gate? Paedophile, large amounts of unexplainable cash, innocent?? dont make me laugh, sorry i forgot, Islam encourages paedophilia therefore he is innocent, except he's not.

17/8/06 19:29

Blogger Simon W said...

I think this might be a comment from a new Anonymous, as he/she seems to agree with me. Either that, or my previous Anonymous has dramatically switched sides of the debate. I'd be careful of the old 'Islam encourages paedophilia' statement, but otherwise, welcome.

18/8/06 00:31

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, Hunter, how are we going to put the blaze out?
And by the same token, do the evil actions of ETA and the IRA mean that all Catholics are to be viewed as probably terrorists? Two or three probably aren't.

18/8/06 11:10


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