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14 July 2006

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day

It's been a slightly odd two days, in so far as lots of good things have happened.

On Thursday, I received an off-the-cuff invitation from my best friend's wife to step aboard Havengore, the riverboat that carried Winston Churchill's body up the Thames. That is on Saturday. Needless to say, I am going. My best friend's wife's father owns the boat, after it was put up for sale about six months ago.

The vessel will be used as the starter boat for the 32nd Annual Barge Driving Race. We are not racing. We just fire the gun, drink champers and wave at the proles on the banks. Hoorah.

Friday was even odder. As I was preparing myself to head to Mallorca to wrest this boat from the grip of the evil tyrants, I was checking that I had all my stuff: and found I was missing my credit card. Before cancelling, I retraced my steps, found it was last used at PC World, so headed there this morning to check. Hallelujah. They had it, and indeed most of the staff nodded sagely even as I mentioned my name.

Beyond that, I went straight to my former employer to submit my expenses and final timesheets. All told, I should have about another two grand heading my way.

Add to that the fact that my accountant says I've been paying independent National Insurance contributions - when I didn't need to - for the last, ooh, four years. So that should be another £1500 to two grand back in the kitty.

I also spoke to my Mallorca contact, who is arranging my accommodations as we speak. So flights are booked for Wednesday - and Saturday will find me heading beneath the waves again with Scuba Mallorca. Other than that, I refer to my previous post about the boat. Maybe I should clarify the whole story again sometime. But not now.

I am now in London at my other flat, and preparing for a nice sleep before Thames action tomorrow. A full report will be incoming tomorrow evening.

When is something going to go wrong?


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