And My Thanks Go To...
My Mum for buying me an illuminated keyboard and mouse. No more fumbling in the dark.
To my sister Ellie for yet more investment in my being well-read.
To Faye, for her chest-hair-clipping solution: even I can look like a Chippendale. Especially in my 'espresso' FCUK jumper.
To Graham and Gill for their fantastic CK pyjama set.
To Isabelle and Richard for their John Lewis vouchers.
And, of course, to Maxi Moo for his "I Love My Daddy" mug, coaster and mouse-mat ensemble (am I spending too much time in front of the PC, son?)
For their cards; all of the above, plus Vanessa Shaw and Lorrie & Sam.
For their electronically-conveyed wishes, and in no particular order (well, OK, the order they appear in my various inboxes); (by email) Andy Germaine; (via Facebook) Carmen Lau, Amanda Atherton, Manish Pradhan, Antonia Esser, Nasreen Ahmed, Rachel McAlley, Vanessa Shaw (again! this girl gets everywhere), Mark Turner, Liz 'Emson' Harvie, Simon Ritchie, Dan McEvoy, Reena Combo (always my favourite meal-deal), Ameet Chana (yeah, I get EastEnders actors wishing me happy birthday...), Rumana Hoque (blam! blam! blam!), Nadeem Cheshti (may the force be with you), Lucy Evans, Djinn and his 'Vibe', Helen Rosier (nice one, cuzza!), Ruth Baretto, Naveen Pabbi, Wayne Colbourne, Mandeep Juttla, Jo Parkerson, Indy Sahota and Karen Stenning.
Which just goes to show that Facebook OWNS us.
My hugest thanks and love to each and every one of you: proof, if proof were needed, that life does not stop at thirty.
Now, where's me cocoa and slippers?
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