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09 October 2006

That Was The Week That Was

I have now calmed my turbulent soul following my last post and Ikea rant, and can only offer a summary of what I've done since:

Having returned to Birmingham on Saturday night, I chilled for the rest of the weekend.

On Monday, the only thing I did of note was cycle my bike to the shop for its first month service. This was downhill all the way. It's gonna be hell getting it home tomorrow.

On Tuesday, I was at Mum's all day doing more stock spreadsheets for the website.

On Wednesday, Mum came here to finish off all the forward orders for the website. And the missus and I had our first meeting with a bank about a mortgage.

On Thursday, I swam across a sea of mortgages.

On Friday, I scaled a mountain of mortgages, but went out for an old work colleagues birthday party at a place called Pad Thai in Birmingham. It's a karaoke Thai restaurant. You can sit in the main restaurant, or you can hire a side room, all private and proper. Which is what we did, got really filthy drunk and sang to cheesy classics and modern pretenders. Many of our number were sick the following night.

On Saturday, despite feeling rough as rats, my Mum came around and we went to look at the new house. She liked it a lot. We did a bit of shopping in Bournville - lovely village - and then came back here for a sausage sandwich. Mum stayed all afternoon, which was lovely. On Saturday night, there was a massive fight in the street outside my window, which saw several people spurt several CCs of blood, a car window get smashed, innocent pedestrians and drivers in cars hassled, a woman punched in the face, general mayhem caused. We told them what we saw, and then watched Kingdom Of Heaven. Great movie.

On Sunday, the lass and I skydived through an atmosphere of mortgages (someone help me out here) and I went for a bike ride along the canal to the new house. It's past the 5km mark from Gas Street - which is where I started off - so I reckon it's around the 11-12km mark, round trip. I did that in 50 minutes, and I was sweating, but my heart was thumping in my chest and there was tingling all over my body. I felt like Superman.


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